
Ashish Keshri


Keshri Blog

I am Ashish Keshri, a self taughtWeb Developerfrom Bangalore.

I am quite confident, naturally curious, and perpetually working on improving my chops one design problem at a time.

Ashish Keshri


February 27, 2023

Ashish Keshri

Ashish Keshri

It is a Movie application user can interact with movies or tv shows and displays specific details of shows/movies. It has search filter functionalities. Tools React js, Redux-toolkit, react-redux,react-router-dom, SCSS, Restful API

React JS



Top Sites Streaming Built With ReactJS

A Disney where users can stream movies or television shows

A YouTube like video streaming app built using ReactJS

Why is this a new age?

A new age occurs when there is a rapid shift in society, often directly linked to an advancement in technology.

The agricultural age meant that food scarcity was far less of an issue (in the developed world), and food abundance (or should I say efficiency in production) meant that more time (across the population as a whole) could be spent on other pursuits other than farming.

Then came the industrial age, where analogue machines replaced a lot of manual labour. This allowed us to produce far more as a society with fewer people hours, yet again changing valuable skill sets.

Most recently we had the information age. An age where people from around the world were able to share knowledge almost instantaneously and at next to zero cost. An age where information was no longer localised, resulting in rapid globalisation.

And now we enter a new age.

An age where "digital brains" are able to produce content at a decent level, comparable to that of an average human, in certain specialised disciplines.

Artists are being displaced by AI image generators. Copywriters are soon going to be replaced by machines that write copy for them etc. etc.

But more importantly, as with any change of age, more can be produced with less resources.

One individual can now produce the same as 3 people could, and this will only accelerate.

Also the skills required change.

For example: I no longer need to spend years perfecting my skills as an artist, instead I need to spend time perfecting my skills at prompting and adjusting the output of AI, at curating the output to meet my needs.

I need to be creative in a different way, but in a way that has a much lower barrier to entry and a much shallower and shorter learning curve.

This is what heralds a new age.

A shift in how society values skills, an increase in output and a great shift that results in new opportunities. A shift that results in old skills and old businesses no longer being as relevant, or even being replaced by those that can operate at the new required scale.